Ultimate Machine Guides

How To Get Coffee Smell Out Of Car

So you spilled coffee in your car and now it smells like a roasting cafĂ© on wheels? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We all love our morning cup of Joe, but dealing with the lingering aroma of spilled coffee can be a headache. In this article, we’ll share some effective and simple methods to banish that stubborn coffee smell from your car, leaving it smelling fresh and clean once again. No need to roll down the windows and let the breeze do the work, we’ll help you tackle this issue head-on.

Removing Coffee Smell Using Baking Soda

If you are a coffee lover like us, you probably enjoy a cup of joe on your daily commute. But let’s face it, sometimes spills happen, and that lingering coffee smell in your car can be quite unpleasant. Luckily, there are several methods you can try to remove that coffee odor. One effective and natural way is by using baking soda. Here’s how you can do it.


Before starting the process, gather all the necessary supplies. You will need a box of baking soda, a vacuum cleaner with a handheld attachment, and a clean cloth or sponge. Make sure your car is parked in a well-ventilated area, such as outside or with the windows rolled down.

Applying Baking Soda

Begin the process by sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda directly onto the affected areas. This includes the seats, carpets, mats, and any other surfaces that may have come into contact with the spilled coffee. Be sure to cover the entire area thoroughly.

Letting It Sit

After applying the baking soda, allow it to sit and work its magic for at least 30 minutes. This will give the baking soda enough time to absorb the coffee odor effectively.


Once the baking soda has had enough time to sit, it’s time to remove it using a vacuum cleaner. Use the handheld attachment to thoroughly vacuum the areas where you applied the baking soda. Make sure to go over every surface to ensure all the baking soda and trapped coffee odor particles are removed.

Using Vinegar to Eliminate Coffee Odor

Another effective method for combating coffee smell in your car is by using vinegar. Vinegar is known for its deodorizing properties and is readily available in most households. Here’s how you can use vinegar to eliminate that unwanted coffee odor.


Similar to the baking soda method, proper preparation is key. Gather a spray bottle, white distilled vinegar, water, and a clean cloth or sponge. Ensure that your car is well-ventilated throughout the process.

Creating Vinegar Solution

In a spray bottle, mix equal parts of white distilled vinegar and water. Shake the bottle well to combine the ingredients thoroughly. The vinegar solution will serve as your powerful coffee odor-fighting weapon.

Applying Vinegar Solution

Spray the vinegar solution directly onto the affected areas in your car. This includes the seats, carpets, mats, and any other surfaces that may have absorbed the coffee smell. Be generous with the amount of solution you use to ensure proper coverage.

Allowing It to Sit

Once you have sprayed the vinegar solution, allow it to sit for approximately 15-20 minutes. During this time, the vinegar will penetrate the odorous molecules, neutralizing the coffee smell.

Removing Vinegar Odor

After letting the vinegar solution do its job, use a clean cloth or sponge to blot away any excess moisture and odor. Ensure that you remove as much of the vinegar residue as possible to prevent a lingering vinegar smell.

Absorbing Coffee Smell with Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a highly effective odor absorber that can be used to tackle coffee odors in your car. This porous material has the ability to trap and eliminate odors naturally. Here’s how you can use activated charcoal to absorb coffee smell.

Getting Activated Charcoal

Before starting the process, you’ll need to acquire activated charcoal. You can find this product in various forms, such as loose granules or bags, from home improvement stores, pet supply stores, or online retailers.


Place the activated charcoal in shallow dishes or open bags and distribute them strategically throughout your car. Focus on areas where the coffee smell is most concentrated, such as in the cup holders, near the seats, and on car mats.

Placing Activated Charcoal

Carefully place the dishes or bags filled with activated charcoal in the predetermined areas inside your car. Make sure there is enough charcoal to adequately absorb the coffee odor.

Allowing It to Absorb

Leave the activated charcoal in your car for at least 24 hours, or longer if necessary. During this time, the charcoal will actively absorb and neutralize the coffee smell from the air and surfaces.

Removing Activated Charcoal

Once you’re satisfied with the results, carefully remove the dishes or bags containing the activated charcoal from your car. Dispose of the used charcoal in a sealed bag to prevent any residual coffee odor from spreading.

Eliminating Coffee Scent with Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets are not just for laundry. They can also be used to combat unwanted odors, including coffee smells, in your car. Here’s how you can use dryer sheets to eliminate that lingering coffee scent.


To use dryer sheets, you’ll need a pack of fresh dryer sheets and a clean cloth or sponge. Keep in mind that dryer sheets come in various scents, so choose a fragrance that you find pleasant.

Placing Dryer Sheets

Take a few dryer sheets and place them strategically throughout your car. You can tuck them under the seats, inside the glove compartment, or even inside the air vents. The goal is to distribute them in areas where the coffee odor is present.

Leaving It Overnight

Once you have placed the dryer sheets, allow them to sit overnight. This will give the sheets enough time to absorb and neutralize the coffee smell effectively.

Removing Dryer Sheets

In the morning, remove the dryer sheets from your car. As you do so, you’ll notice that they have absorbed some of the coffee scent, leaving your car smelling fresher.

Alternative Usage

If you prefer a more immediate solution, you can take a dryer sheet and rub it directly on the surfaces where the coffee odor lingers. This allows for greater contact and faster absorption of the unwanted scent. Just be sure to test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure that the dryer sheet doesn’t leave any residue or damage the surface.

Using White Vinegar and Lemon Juice

If you’re looking for a natural and refreshing way to eliminate coffee odor from your car, a combination of white vinegar and lemon juice can do wonders. These ingredients work together to neutralize odors while leaving behind a pleasant citrus scent. Here’s how you can use this cleaning solution.


To create your white vinegar and lemon juice cleaning solution, you’ll need white distilled vinegar, fresh lemon juice, water, a spray bottle, and a clean cloth or sponge. Ensure that your car is parked in a well-ventilated area before you begin.

Creating Cleaning Solution

In a spray bottle, mix equal parts of white distilled vinegar, fresh lemon juice, and water. Shake the bottle well to combine the ingredients thoroughly. The vinegar and lemon juice will act as natural deodorizers and disinfectants.

Applying the Solution

Spray the cleaning solution onto the surfaces in your car that have absorbed the coffee odor. This includes the seats, carpets, mats, and any other affected areas. Be sure to cover all the surfaces thoroughly for the best results.

Allowing It to Sit

Allow the solution to sit for approximately 15-20 minutes. This will give the vinegar and lemon juice enough time to break down and neutralize the coffee smell.

Ventilating the Car

After the solution has had time to work, open the doors and windows of your car to let in fresh air. This will help to remove any remaining vinegar or lemon scent and leave your car smelling clean and fresh.

Removing Coffee Odor with Coffee Grounds

You might be surprised to learn that coffee grounds can actually help to eliminate coffee odor. The porous nature of coffee grounds allows them to absorb and neutralize odors effectively. Here’s how you can use coffee grounds to remove that stubborn coffee smell from your car.


To use coffee grounds, you’ll need fresh or used coffee grounds, a bowl or container, and a clean cloth or sponge. Make sure your car is parked in a well-ventilated area before you begin.

Placing Coffee Grounds

Begin by placing the coffee grounds in a bowl or container. Spread them out evenly to allow for maximum surface area exposure. You can even use old coffee filters or cheesecloth to contain the grounds if desired.

Leaving It Overnight

Place the bowl or container filled with coffee grounds inside your car. Leave it overnight, allowing the coffee grounds to absorb the lingering coffee odor. The longer you leave them, the better the results.

Removing Coffee Grounds

In the morning, carefully remove the bowl or container containing the coffee grounds from your car. Dispose of the used coffee grounds in a sealed bag to prevent any additional odors.

Cleaning Surfaces

To ensure that all coffee odor is eliminated, take a clean cloth or sponge and wipe down all surfaces in your car. This will help remove any remaining coffee residue and leave your car smelling fresh and clean.

Removing Coffee Smell from Upholstery

Coffee spills on upholstery can be particularly challenging to remove, as fabrics tend to trap and hold onto odors. However, with the right approach, you can effectively get rid of the coffee smell. Here are several methods you can try:


Gather the necessary supplies, including baking soda, white vinegar, coffee grounds, an odor eliminator of your choice, and a clean cloth or sponge. Ensure that your car is parked in a well-ventilated area before you begin.

Using Baking Soda

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda directly onto the affected upholstery. Allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes to absorb the coffee odor. Afterward, use a vacuum cleaner to thoroughly remove the baking soda.

Using Vinegar

For stubborn coffee odors on upholstery, create a vinegar solution by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water. Lightly dampen a clean cloth or sponge with the solution, and gently blot the affected areas. Allow the upholstery to air dry completely before assessing the odor. Repeat if necessary.

Using Coffee Grounds

Similar to the method mentioned earlier, place coffee grounds in a bowl or container and leave it overnight in the car. The coffee grounds will naturally absorb the coffee smell from the upholstery. In the morning, remove the container and dispose of the used coffee grounds.

Using Odor Eliminator

If the coffee smell persists even after trying the previous methods, consider using a car odor eliminator specifically designed to neutralize stubborn odors. Follow the instructions provided by the product, and apply it directly to the affected upholstery. Allow it to dry completely before evaluating the results.

Cleaning Car Carpet to Remove Coffee Odor

Carpeted areas in your car, such as the floor mats and carpets, can easily absorb coffee spills and retain their odor. To effectively remove the coffee smell from your car’s carpet, follow these steps:


Gather the necessary supplies, including a vacuum cleaner with a handheld attachment, baking soda, and a carpet cleaner suitable for automotive use. Ensure that your car is parked in a well-ventilated area before you begin.


Start by using the vacuum cleaner’s handheld attachment to thoroughly vacuum the carpeted areas in your car. This will help remove any loose debris and pre-treat the carpet before applying other cleaning methods.

Using Baking Soda

Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda directly onto the carpeted areas. Use your fingers or a clean cloth to gently work the baking soda into the carpet fibers. Allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes to absorb the coffee odor.

Using Carpet Cleaner

After the baking soda has had enough time to work, follow the instructions on your chosen automotive carpet cleaner to effectively clean the carpeted areas. Use a clean cloth or sponge to apply the cleaner and gently scrub the carpet, paying close attention to the coffee-stained areas.

Getting Rid of Coffee Smell from Car Air Conditioning

Coffee smells can easily permeate your car’s air conditioning system, leaving a lingering odor every time you turn it on. To eliminate the coffee smell from your car’s air conditioning, follow these steps:


Gather the necessary supplies, including a cleaning brush or toothbrush, a mild detergent, warm water, a new air filter (if needed), and an air freshener of your choice. Ensure that your car is parked in a well-ventilated area before you begin.

Cleaning the Air Vents

Start by cleaning the air vents using a cleaning brush or toothbrush and warm water mixed with a mild detergent. Gently scrub each air vent to remove any coffee residue or buildup that may be causing the smell.

Replacing the Air Filter

If your car’s air filter is old or clogged, it may be contributing to the coffee smell in your car. Check your car’s manual to locate the air filter and replace it if necessary. This will help ensure that fresh, clean air circulates through your car’s air conditioning system.

Using Air Freshener

To mask any remaining coffee smell or to add a pleasant fragrance to your car’s air conditioning system, use an air freshener of your choice. Select a fragrance that you find appealing and follow the instructions provided with the air freshener to evenly distribute the scent.

Preventing Coffee Smell from Lingering

While removing coffee smell from your car is essential, taking preventive measures can help keep your car smelling fresh for longer periods. Here are some tips to prevent coffee smell from lingering:

Cleaning Spills Immediately

If you accidentally spill coffee in your car, it’s crucial to clean it up immediately. The longer the coffee sits on surfaces, the more it will penetrate and leave a lasting odor.

Using Airtight Containers

When transporting coffee in your car, use airtight containers to prevent spills and contain the aroma. This will help minimize the chances of coffee odors lingering in your car.

Properly Disposing of Coffee Waste

Dispose of coffee grounds, cups, and other coffee-related waste properly. Seal them in containers or bags to prevent their aroma from affecting your car’s interior.

Regularly Cleaning Car Interior

Maintain a clean car by regularly vacuuming and wiping down surfaces. This will help prevent the buildup of odors, including coffee, and keep your car smelling fresh.

Using Air Fresheners

Invest in high-quality air fresheners designed specifically for use in cars. These products can help mask or neutralize unwanted odors, including coffee, and leave your car smelling pleasant.

By following these methods and incorporating preventive measures, you can effectively remove and prevent coffee smells from lingering in your car. Enjoy your coffee on the go without worrying about any unwanted odors.

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